
結果他竟然變色了 還一塊一塊的~~~


稍微研究一下 還有一股不是很好聞的味道....

好吧 我使用了GOOGLE大神查了一下 原來也有人曾經跟我有同樣的遭遇



不過很奇怪 其他顏色的毛巾 就比較沒有這樣的狀況

其實仔細聞一下味道 你就會發現到 有一種微微地不一樣的味道

那的確是發霉的徵兆  這變紫的毛巾 之後就會變成黑色的了


原因其實很簡單  通常浴室是家裡最潮濕而且溫度也會是最高

尤其有些地區會特別嚴重 例如常常下雨的基隆和汐止 ...等等地方

每次洗澡後 如果浴室不通風的話  你在進入浴室裡 就會感受到悶悶的感覺

甚至會發現 地板 牆壁都起一層一層的霧


如果我們稍微做一些改變  或許發霉的狀況就不會那麼嚴重

1.在我們不在家的時候 或是剛洗完澡 記得讓浴室通風

2.洗完熱水澡後 可以再用冷水 沖一下地面和牆壁

3.沐浴乳等等記得不要殘餘留下 這些通都沖掉

4.如果已經有發霉的東西 記得趕快丟掉 

小小的改變  你會感受到真的不一樣



如果您跟我一樣有相同的困擾的話 你可以點下面的 知識家看看






This is what I bought the week before with a towel


And he actually has a piece of discolored ~~~


This is how it happened ??


And with a look a little taste of smell is not very good ....


Well, I used the GOOGLE Great God had also checked Someone once told me the same experience


This is moldy relationship ~~~


But it is strange in another color towels relatively no such situation


In fact, careful smell taste you will find to have a slightly different taste


That is indeed a sign of this moldy purple towel will become black after a


Why it moldy


The reason is simple bathroom at home is usually the wettest and the temperature will be the highest


Especially in some regions will be particularly severe for example often rainy Keelung and Xizhi place ... etc


After each bath if the bathroom is not ventilated, then you enter the bathroom will feel stuffy feeling


Even find floor walls are from layers of fog


Usually this is like to grow mold in humid and hot environment


If we make some changes and perhaps a little musty situation would not be so serious


1. We are not at home when or just showered remember your bathroom ventilation


2. After washing with cold water and then hot water bath can look at the ground and walls


3. bath milk, etc. Remember not to leave these remnants are flushed through


4. If you have something to remember moldy quickly lose


Small change you will feel really different






If you are like me, have the same problems, then you can point the following knowledge home to see


How to deal with moldy towels:







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