

阿哩 我好像搞錯句了...感覺好像甚麼都可以套用





基本上 大部分都是油性髮質比較容易發生這樣的情形



這時候 就要挑一~二款可以控油去頭皮屑止癢的洗髮乳

1.先要挑適合自己髮質的洗髮乳....沒有任何偏方 就是去試試看

我也是換了很多種的洗髮乳 有些洗髮乳是洗完馬上就會癢.....真搞不懂是在...癢沙會


上網看看網友的評論 他們覺得 落X和仁山XX 用的還不錯 也有人說海倫XX也不錯

不過說真的真的要自己親自去試試看 或者直接找醫生幫你看看你的狀況也可以

只有找到適合自己的洗髮乳 才可以減緩狀況喔^^



搞不好就是讓自己頭髮癢的另一種原因 所以挑對洗髮乳 再來就是要試試看 可否2天洗一次

不行就天天洗頭髮一次,我也贊同不要常常洗頭髮 因為洗過後你就知道 頭髮會乾澀 髮質會變差....



3.洗頭髮的時候千萬不要用太燙的熱水洗 頭皮包含了自己的皮膚可能會因此而過敏



4.洗頭的時候記得不要用指尖去抓..小時候都習慣用指尖洗頭 抓頭皮 因為會癢


而洗頭比較重點就是在洗頭皮 所以要用指腹去按摩自己的頭皮



之前我都不吹頭髮的 都覺得頭髮那麼短很快就乾了





如果還使沒有改善 請找醫生 請醫生幫你看看是否是有脂漏性皮膚炎...等等狀況喔^^


There is a saying that the first itch is not a disease

But itch up to life,

A sentence of a mile I feel like I made a mistake ... I feel like anything can be applied

Well ~~~ head itchy words

Only let us try to find the reason

Then think of a way to cure


Basically most of them are more prone to oily hair such a situation

Some people would be often happens when the season

Like I'm oily hair so I know

This time we should pick a ~ two models can control oil dandruff itching Shampoo

1. The first to pick shampoo for your hair .... There is no recipe is to give it a try

I also changed the very kinds of shampoo shampoo is washing some itch soon ..... really do not understand is ... itchy sand will

There may hold a two days ......

Internet to see users comments they feel down X and XX with Saran good some people say Helen XX good

But really really want to go and try it yourself, or go directly to a doctor to help you look at your situation

Only to find their own shampoo can slow the condition ^^


2. Internet seen oily hair really need to wash hair every day would be better, but to be honest I also agree Shampoo these chemical cleaners

Another reason is that they might make their own pick to head itching shampoo again so is the possibility of two days to try to wash

Not her hair once every day, and I do not often agree with her hair washed because after you know the hair will dry hair will be worse ....

Shampoo and this is not because of it is ...


3. Do not use hot water scalp contains its own skin might therefore allergies

Like I happened redness and irritation of the skin condition


4. Do not wash your hair when I remember to grab with your fingertips .. childhood are accustomed to using fingertips because itchy scalp shampoo catch

Grab a comfortable grasp  ... but later discovered it is easy to scratch the scalp

The focus is on comparative shampoo shampoo skin so use your fingertips to massage the scalp


5. It is important again to remember hair blowing ~~~

Before I do not blow hair feel dry hair so short soon

But that is because it is easy to have bacterial wet cortex let you began to head itch


6. whether it will continue to observe the frequent head itching or shoved out of the oil or hair loss condition

Unsuitable shampoo would not have to remember to use the

If you have not improved so please ask your doctor to help you  ^^



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